The followings scripts are short programs which use the vasptools module. In the terminal if you give the option -h to the script a short help will be printed.
Split charge density into spin up and spin down charge density and write them into files.
Parameters: | CHGCAR (file) – name of a CHGCAR file (default is CHGCAR). |
Default file name for the CHGCAR file is CHGCAR. In output the spin up charge density is written in file CHGCAR_up and the spin down charge density is written in file CHGCAR_down.
chgsplit CHGCAR
Do simple linear operations on charge densities from two CHGCAR file.
Parameters: |
On output the file CHGCAR_sum contains the density computed by the following expression
fact1 * CHGCAR1 + fact2 * CHGCAR2
chgsum AECAR0 AECAR2
chgsum AECAR0 CHGCAR 1.8 0.2
convVASP read convergence data on the OUTCAR file and either write them into files in order to plot them with your favorite soft or plot them directly using matplotlib. The last argument has to be an OUTCAR file, if absent, ‘./OUTCAR’ will be used.
Parameters: |
Read energy bands on vasprun.xml file and either extract them into files or plot them directly. The last argument has to be the xml file, if absent ‘./vasprun.xml’ will be used.
Parameters: |
getBands -t
Read first and last structures in a vasprun.xml file and, for each atom, compute the distance between the initial position and the last position. You can also give two POSCAR files (or CONTCAR). The first one will be use as the initial position and the second will be use as the final position.
By default, the file ‘./vasprun.xml’ is read. You can give an other file in the command line.
getDeplacement my_calculation.xml
getDeplacement POSCAR CONTCAR
Read density of states data on vasprun.xml files and either extract them into files or plot them directly. The last argument has to be the xml file, if absent ‘./vasprun.xml’ will be used.
Parameters: |
getDOS -t
getDOS -t -p
getDOS -p
Read density of states data on vasprun.xml files and do some post treatments :
- Compute the sum of all projected DOS
- Compute the contribution to the total DOS of each atom type or the contribution of one specific atom if -iat option is specified.
Parameters: |
Read the lattice vectors in a POSCAR or CONTCAR file and print the lattice parameters. If you do not give a file name getMaille will print suggestions.
Compute atomic charges from a Bader caclculations done with the bader program of the University of Texas at Austin : bader.
Parameters: | –help (-h) – Print help and exit |
Run the script in the same directory where you did the bader calculation. Requirements :
I wrote this script before I found VESTA and today I do not use it anymore. But it could be useful in order to do nice crystal pictures such as the one in the sidebar.
visVMD read output files of VASP and write a VMD script in order to visualize VASP structures with VMD. visVMD can read either POSCAR and CONTCAR files or directly vasprun.xml files. The xml file is the best choice because it contains atom names. If you read a POSCAR or a CONTCAR file of a 4.X version of VASP, visVMD will ask you the name of each atom.
Parameters: |
visVMD -u -l
visVMD -u -l --poscar -f POSCAR
visVMD -u -l -n 2x2x2