.. vasptools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Dec 20 11:35:19 2011. Welcome to vasptools' documentation! ==================================== Description ----------- vasptools is a python module which define the class :py:class:`VaspRun` and provide a set of functions in order to do simple post treatments on `VASP `_ calculations. The main features are the following : * extract or plot density of state * extract or plot bands * get structural data * control convergence * simple operations on CHGCAR file (split, sum) The basic idea is to use the ``vasprun.xml`` file which is fully consistent because it contains both the results and the parameters of the calculations. vasptools contains the following submodules : * :py:mod:`vasptools.vasprun` : contains the ``VaspRun`` class which is the core part of the module. * :py:mod:`vasptools.dos` : density of states output functions * :py:mod:`vasptools.bands` : energy bands output functions * :py:mod:`vasptools.utils` : operations on ``CHGCAR`` file * :py:mod:`vasptools.atom` : an atom class In this documentation you will also find the documentations of :py:mod:`crystal` module and :py:mod:`myxml` module which are independent modules used by vasptools. :py:mod:`crystal` module provides the :py:class:`Crystal` class with which you can easily manipulate a crystal (lattice parameters, coordinates conversion ...). :py:mod:`myxml` module is used in order to read the file vasprun.xml. Both modules are provided with vasptools. You will also find below a set of scripts or short programs which use the vasptools module. Licence and contact ------------------- All this source codes are under the `GNU General Public License `_. I use it daily but **I do not give any guaranties about stability and reliability of the code and the results**. If you want to contribute, report a bog, or make a comments, contact Germain Vallverdu at ``germain dot vallverdu at univ-pau.fr``. Table of contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 setup.rst vasptools.rst crystal.rst myxml.rst script.rst mod_fortran.rst Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`