Source code for vasptools.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-

# this file is part of vasptools package

Module utils

This module contains functions in order to manipulate charge density."""

__author__ = "Germain Vallverdu <>"
__licence__ = "GPL"

[docs]def readCHGCAR(chgcarName, full=False, verbose = True): """ read up+down and up-down densities in a CHGCAR file """ # output density rho_up_p_down = list() rho_up_m_down = list() # open CHGCAR file fchgcar = open(chgcarName , "r") # read head for i in range(5): fchgcar.readline() # read atoms section vasp5 = False line = fchgcar.readline() if line.split()[0].isdigit(): # vasp 4 type pass else: # vasp 5 type atomNames = line fchgcar.readline() vasp5 = True # coordinates section fchgcar.readline() end = False Natom = 0 while not end: line = fchgcar.readline() if line.strip() == "": end = True else: Natom += 1 # write some data if verbose: print("------------------------------------------------------------") print(" Atoms in file {0} : {1} ".format(chgcarName, Natom)) if vasp5: print(" Atom names in file {0} : {1}".format(chgcarName, atomNames)) # grid size NGFX, NGFY, NGFZ = [int(val) for val in fchgcar.readline().split()[0:3]] Npts = NGFX * NGFY * NGFZ if verbose: print(" Grid size up+down : {0} points".format(Npts)) # read up+down density i = 0 while i < Npts: values = [float(val) for val in fchgcar.readline().split()] for val in values: rho_up_p_down.append(val) i += 1 if full: # skip augmentation occupancies while True: line = fchgcar.readline().split() if len(line) == 0: print("Error : end of file reached before I find up - down density") exit(1) elif line[0].isdigit(): NGFX2, NGFY2, NGFZ2 = [int(val) for val in line] if NGFX2 == NGFX and NGFY2 == NGFY and NGFZ2 == NGFZ: break else: print("Error : grid size of the up-down density unconsistent with the \ grid size of the up+down density.") exit(1) Npts2 = NGFX2 * NGFY2 * NGFZ2 if verbose: print(" Grid size up-down : {0} points".format(Npts2)) # read up-down density i = 0 while i < Npts: values = [float(val) for val in fchgcar.readline().split()] for val in values: rho_up_m_down.append(val) i += 1 fchgcar.close() return rho_up_p_down, rho_up_m_down # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[docs]def sumDensities(chgcar1, chgcar2, fact1, fact2, verbose = True): """ read CHGCAR1 and CHGCAR2 files and do the following linear operation : CHGCAR_sum = fact1 * CHGCAR1 + fact2 * CHGCAR2 work only on the first (up+down) density """ # read densities rho1 = readCHGCAR(chgcar1, verbose = verbose)[0] rho2 = readCHGCAR(chgcar2, verbose = verbose)[0] # test vectors lengths Npts1 = len(rho1) Npts2 = len(rho2) if Npts1 != Npts2: print("Error : grid sizes are unconsistent") exit(1) # compute the sum rho_sum = list() for i in range(Npts1): val = fact1 * rho1[i] + fact2 * rho2[i] rho_sum.append(val) return rho_sum