Source code for vasptools.dos

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-

# This is a part of vasptools


This module contains functions in order to print projected DOS into files or in order to
print or plot total DOS.

All functions take only one arguments which is a VaspRun object, see

showTotalDOS(run)            : plot total DOS using matplotlib.pyplot
printTotalDOStoFile(run)     : print total DOS in a file
printProjectedDOStoFile(run) : print projected DOS to files with one file per atom

output files :
    * totalDOS.dat or totalDOS_spin_X.dat, where XX is up or down.
    * projectedDOS_spinX_atY_iatZ.dat for projected DOS where X is for spin up or down, Y
    is the atom name and Z is its number.

__licence__ = "GPL"
__author__ = "Germain Vallverdu <>"

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# spin name for file name
spinName = ["up", "down"]

[docs]def showTotalDOS(run): """ plot total DOS using matplotlib.pyplot """ if not run.DOSTotaleLue: dosLue = run.lectureDOS() if not dosLue[0]: print("Erreur when reading total DOS") exit(1) if run.verbose: print("\n# plot total DOS") # spin polarization ? ISPIN = run.allMotsClefs["ISPIN"] # shift DOS abscissa to have 0 eV at Fermi level energiesDOS = list() for e in run.energiesDOS: energiesDOS.append(e - run.eFermi) # total dos dosTotaleSpinUp = [ val[0] for val in run.dosTotale[0] ] if ISPIN == 2: dosTotaleSpinDown = [ -val[0] for val in run.dosTotale[1] ] # plot total dos plt.figure(1) plt.title("Density Of State from " + run.xmlFile) plt.xlabel("Energy - E_fermi / eV") plt.ylabel("DOS") plt.grid() if ISPIN == 1: plt.plot( energiesDOS, dosTotaleSpinUp, "r-" ) else: plt.plot( energiesDOS, dosTotaleSpinUp, 'r-', label="DOS up") plt.plot( energiesDOS, dosTotaleSpinDown, 'k-', label="DOS down" ) plt.legend(fancybox=True,shadow=True) # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[docs]def printTotalDOStoFile(run): """ print total DOS in a file """ if run.verbose: print("\n# Read total DOS") if not run.DOSTotaleLue: dosLue = run.lectureDOS() if not dosLue[0]: print("Erreur when reading total DOS") exit(1) ISPIN = run.allMotsClefs["ISPIN"] fileList = list() # loop over spin for spin in range(ISPIN): # output file names if ISPIN == 1: fichier = "totalDOS.dat" else: fichier = "totalDOS_{0}.dat".format(spinName[spin]) fout = open( fichier, "w") fileList.append(fichier) fout.write("# E_fermi = %e \n" % run.eFermi ) fout.write("# hereafter, E is E - E_fermi\n") fout.write("# E (eV) DOS Ne\n") for e, dos in zip(run.energiesDOS, run.dosTotale[spin]): ligne = "%10.4f" % (e - run.eFermi) for val in dos: ligne += "%10.4f" % val ligne += "\n" fout.write(ligne) fout.close() return fileList # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[docs]def printProjectedDOStoFile(run): """ print projected DOS to files with one file per atom. """ fileList = list() if not run.DOSTotaleLue: dosLue = run.lectureDOS() if not dosLue[0]: print("Erreur when reading total DOS") exit(1) if not run.DOSPartiellesLues: print("\t ! Projected DOS not found !") return fileList if run.verbose: print("\n# Read projected DOS") ISPIN = run.allMotsClefs["ISPIN"] # number of projected DOS nProj = len(run.dosPartielles[0][0][0]) if nProj == 3: if run.verbose: print("\t* DOS l-projected, order : s p d") elif nProj == 9: if run.verbose: print("\t* DOS lm-projected, order : s py pz px dxy dyz dz2 dxz dx2") else: print("Warning, error with projected DOS") nProj = 3 # loop over ions for iat in range(run.Natomes): atom = run.atoms[iat] for spin in range(ISPIN): # output files if ISPIN == 1: fileName = "projectedDOS_{0}_{1}.dat".format(, iat + 1) else: fileName = "projectedDOS_{0}_{1}_{2}.dat".format(spinName[spin],, iat + 1) fout = open(fileName, "w") fileList.append(fileName) if nProj == 3: if ISPIN == 1: line = "# contribution of atom {0}_{1}\n".format(, iat + 1) else: line = "# contribution of atom {0}_{1} to the DOS {2}\n".format(, iat + 1, spinName[spin]) line += "# E_fermi = %e \n" % run.eFermi line += "# column 1 : E - E_fermi (eV)\n" line += "# column 2 : s\n" line += "# column 3 : p\n" line += "# column 4 : d\n" fout.write(line) else: if ISPIN == 1: line = "# contribution of atom {0}_{1}\n".format(, iat + 1) else: line = "# contribution of atom {0}_{1} to the DOS {2}\n".format(, iat + 1, spinName[spin]) line += "# E_fermi = %e \n" % run.eFermi line += "# column 1 : E - E_fermi (eV)\n" line += "# column 2 : s\n" line += "# column 3 : py\n" line += "# column 4 : pz\n" line += "# column 5 : px\n" line += "# column 6 : dxy\n" line += "# column 7 : dxz\n" line += "# column 8 : dz2\n" line += "# column 9 : dxz\n" line += "# column 10 : dx2-y2\n" fout.write(line) for e, dos in zip(run.energiesDOS, run.dosPartielles[iat][spin]): line = "%10.4f" % (e - run.eFermi) for val in dos: line += "%10.4f" % val line += "\n" fout.write(line) fout.close() return fileList