Source code for vasptools.atom

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-

# this file is a part of vasptools

""" Atom class """

__author__ = "Germain Vallverdu <>"
__licence__ = "GPL"

[docs]class Atom( object ): """ Atom class stand for atomic data : * name : name (string) * atomType : atom type (int) * Ne : valence electrons (int) * w : weight (float) * pseudo : pseudopotential (string) """ def __init__(self, name = "H", atomType = -1, Ne = 1, w = 1., pseudo = ""): """ Constructor : default is hydrogen""" = str(name) try: self.atomType = int(atomType) except ValueError: raise ValueError("atom type are labeled by integers") try: self.Ne = int(Ne) except ValueError: raise ValueError("nElecValence must be an integer") try: self.w = float(w) except ValueError: raise ValueError("weight must be a number") self.pseudo = str(pseudo) def __repr__(self): """ représentation d'un atome """ print("Atom {0} : ".format( ) print("\tweight : {0}".format(self.w)) print("\tValence electrons : {0}".format(self.Ne)) print("\ttype : {0}".format(self.atomType)) print("\tPseudopotential : {0}".format(self.pseudo)) return ""